Code of Conduct

To “discipline” literally means to educate or train. We encourage the growth of self-discipline within the child. We have a well-planned program for discipline, and the first rule of conduct is to explain the discipline program to each child. All children are taught respect and acceptance of themselves and everyone around them.


In our classrooms there are four basic rules:


Ø  Follow the teacher’s directions; the teacher is the leader of the room.

Ø  Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

Ø  Show respect for everyone in the school, including their property.

Ø  Support one another, and lend a helping hand.     


Lunchtime & Playground Rules:


Ø  Follow adult instructions at all times.  Have permission before leaving an area.

Ø  No food-sharing at any time.

Ø  Use good table manners.

Ø  No rough play or play fighting.

Ø  Clean up your area when you are done eating or playing.

Ø  Take turns with the equipment.

Ø  Talk out problems; use problem solving skills.

Ø  Include others and treat people with respect and kindness.

Ø  Issues on the playground need to be addressed with and resolved by the teacher on duty.


Bathroom Behavior:


Ø  Respect the privacy of others.

Ø  Use proper hygiene.

Ø  Keep the bathroom clean.


Other guiding principles for our students include:


Ø  Listen to and respect all adults in the school community.

Ø  Listen carefully to all directions.

Ø  Walk quietly through the walkways and on the gallery.

Ø  Tell the truth at all times.

Ø  Take pride in your work, and always do your best.

Ø  Treat others as you would like to be treated.

Ø  Respect other students and their property.

Ø  Respect school property and the environment.

Ø  Be kind, polite, and considerate of others.

Ø  Share with everyone, and take turns.

Ø  Practice good sportsmanship.

Ø  Invite others to play with you.

Ø  Use appropriate words to solve problems.

Ø  Pupils treat each other and visitors with courtesy and consideration.


 Students are responsible for:


Ø  Being at school on time, prepared for the day (all work completed, all materials ready)

Ø  Obeying all school rules and policies

Ø  Respecting all students and school personnel


 Students have the right to:


Ø  Learn in a safe school

Ø  Mutual respect by all students and school personnel


 Student privileges:


Ø  Class celebrations

Ø  Extra-curricular activities (clubs, sports, etc.)

Ø  Recess & field trips

Ø  Certain special area classes: PE, art


As students follow the classroom rules, they will be given supportive feedback in a number of different forms to encourage good behavior. If a child is not following the rules, this is the order of the consequences implemented to correct the behavior:




Ø  Verbal warning 

Ø  Reflection timeout

Ø  Email home to the parents

Ø  Recess or lunch detention

Ø  Referral to the Office for parent, teacher, and principal meeting to be held to develop an individual discipline plan for the student.  A reflection log will be completed and sent home for review and signature.

Ø  In-school suspension 

Ø  Out-of-school suspension (one day, three days, five days)

Ø  Expulsion


Extreme Misconduct


At times, certain behaviors are deemed so severe in nature in terms of the safe operation of the school, and/or infringe on student safety, that it might be considered extreme misconduct.  These behaviors may warrant immediate short-term removal of a child from school (suspension or expulsion).  In certain instances, an evaluation by a certified counselor may be deemed necessary for re-entry to our school program.  Examples of extreme misconduct include, but are NOT limited to:


Ø  Fighting/assault

Ø  Vulgar or profane language (verbal or written)

Ø  Harassment

Ø  Destruction of school property

Ø  Weapon possessions

Ø  Theft

Ø  Defiance of school authority

Ø  Use or possession of controlled substances

St. Kitts International Academy believes that communication between home and school is the most efficient way to handle any discipline problem. We feel it is important that parents/guardians are kept informed of their child’s performance. In the case of a student who continues to exhibit poor behavior, we may request a conference with the parents/guardians, teacher, principal, and student. Any acts that are physical in nature may skip the hierarchy of consequences, and an out-of-school suspension may be assigned. Discipline will be age-appropriate, and we do not administer corporal punishment at this school.