Curriculum Information

Our program offers a unique learning environment where students meet high academic standards while actively engaged in authentic learning experiences. It is developed to provide a broad based academic education in order for students to reach their full potential and to meet the individual needs of each of our students. 

Active and meaningful learning experiences engage students in their work. Excellent communication skills are developed through speaking, reading and writing across all curriculum areas. Our curriculum is structured to ensure that our students learn the vital skills of critical thinking, problem solving and collaboration that are necessary to thrive in the 21st century. 





Our Elementary and Middle School programs have an international set of standards based on best practices throughout the world.   Students are prepared to meet standards similar to those set in the US and Canada. with an international approach which is more representative of our population.  Technology is highly infused in all areas of our program. Subjects offered are as follows:


Elementary Curriculum Grades 1-6: Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, Geography, History, Science, Spanish, Art, Health and Physical Education and Character Education.


Middle School, Grades 7-8: Language Arts, Mathematics, World History, Global Geography, Physical Geography, Science, Spanish, Art, Health and Physical Education, and Character Education.




The St. Kitts International Academy follows a curriculum geared to international students and the St. Kitts & Nevis community.

The Middle School Program at St (3).pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 416.4 KB

Elementary & Middle School English Language Arts Standards
Our ELA program also relies heavily on cross curricular integration. Class novels are selected from grades three and up that align to the Social Studies standards.
ELA Standards.docx
Microsoft Word Document 564.1 KB

K - 6 Math Standards
The focus of our curriculum is concrete – pictorial – abstract. This means that students learn to make connections between physical materials, visual representations and mathematical symbols. This aides children in developing deep conceptual understanding of the content being taught. With our curriculum children learn to think critically and develop problem solving skills. Students are engaged in learning both the process and method of problem solving effectively and confidently. Students are tasked to think about their thinking. Therefore, thinking mathematically will become a conscious habit and children learn to monitor their thought process and communicate their ideas through mathematical thinking.

There are five strands of mathematics across six grade levels:
Numbers & Operations
Data Analysis

Instruction focuses on the problem-solving process. This helps students build good habits for approaching mathematical problems of all difficulty
Math Curriculum 2.docx
Microsoft Word Document 100.3 KB

Elementary & Middle School Social Studies Standards
Social Studies Guiding Standards
Standard 1 (Time, Continuity, and Change) Students will understand patterns of change and continuity, relationships between people and events through time, and various interpretations of these relationships.
Standard 2 (Connections and Conflict) Students will understand causes and effects of interaction among societies, including trade, systems of international exchange, war, and diplomacy.
Standard 3 (Geography) Students will understand the interactions and relationship between human societies and their physical environment.
Standard 4 (Culture) Students will understand cultural and intellectual developments and interactions among societies.
Standard 5 (Society and Identity) Students will understand social systems and structures and how these influence individual.
Standard 6 (Government) Students will understand why societies create and adopt systems of governance and how they address human needs, rights, responsibilities and citizenship.
Social Studies Standards.docx
Microsoft Word Document 528.3 KB

Science Standards - Kindergarten - Grade 8


Overall Goals:


1. to relate science and technology to society and the environment
2. to develop the skills, strategies, and habits of mind required for scientific inquiry and

technological problem solving
3. to understand the basic concepts of science and technology


Please click this link to view the standards.


Physical Education & Health Curriculum (Grades K-8)


The goals of the health and physical education program are as follows. Students will develop:


• the social-emotional learning skills needed to foster overall health and well-being, positive mental health, and the ability to learn, build resilience, and thrive;

• the skills and knowledge that will enable them to enjoy being active and healthy throughout their lives, through opportunities to participate regularly and safely in physical activity and to learn how to develop and improve their own personal fitness;

• the movement competence needed to participate in a range of physical activities, through opportunities to develop movement skills and to apply movement concepts and strategies in games, sports, dance, and various other physical activities;

• an understanding of the factors that contribute to healthy development, a sense of personal responsibility for lifelong health, and an understanding of how living healthy, active lives is connected with the world around them and the health of others.


Please Click this link for the PE & Health Curriculum